Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Family = HOPE

I was made available for adoption when I was about 9 months old. 
My future was bright!

Two and a half years go by.  I am growing into a strong little boy. 
I am still hopeful that I will find my forever family.

Hope was fading.  Why haven't I been chosen? 
The orphanage began completing paperwork to declare me unadoptable
because I had become too weak and frail.

FINALLY it was my turn.  I was Chosen!

HOPE returns! 
(home 3 months)

I begin to grow and thrive.  Joy returns. 

(home 5 months)
Why Adopt? 
Family Changes Everything!
When we adopted David he weighted a little over 16 pounds at 4 years old.  He gained 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks.  Five months later and he has doubled his weight.  He has learned to walk, talk, and feed himself.   David has had no medical intervention or therapy.  The only thing we have done is feed him and love him.  Family changes everything!  Family gives HOPE!

1 comment:

  1. I have followed your story with David, and it is absolutely amazing to see him now. What a true, God-given MIRACLE!! Blessings to you and David and wishes for much, much joy!!
