Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 1 Part 2

I had to add a part 2 to day one.  When we arrived in Beijing our guide picked us up from the airport.  On our way to the hotel we had time to talk about David and Joshua.  This is where our adventure took a drastic turn.  It was then that the magnitude of our "rescue mission" really hit me.

I was told the orphanage had been in the process of taking David off the available list and deeming him "unadoptable" when we requested to adopt him.  Our guide said she had to convince the orphanage that a family really wanted to adopt him.  God's timing is perfect.  If we had waited even a day more to say YES David's life may have been on a different path right now.  UNADOPTABLE.  I am so thankful that God prompted our hearts and we did not hesitate. 

We started talking about Joshua and she handed me a piece of paper giving results from a recent blood test.  She stated that the doctor was concerned by the results and the orphanage wanted me to have the information before we met Joshua.  She asked me to please consult with my doctor back home as soon as possible.  I really didn't think much of it.  I knew Joshua had been severely malnourished so I expected some abnormal test results.  Our guide went on to explain that when Joshua arrived at the orphanage they didn't think he was going to live.  The orphanage decided to not waste any more resources/nanny's time on him and moved him up to the second floor.  That was a gut check right there. 

I think my emotions were all over the place at this point.  .


How is it possible that a life no longer has value?  How it is possible that a child is no longer worthy of a family?

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